Cardinal rules of joint and muscle pain



In a nutshell, when it comes to the personally-generated musculo-skeletal dysfunctions there are a few key principles you need to be aware of:


By far and away the highest proportion of painful joints and muscles are personally generated. The skeleton has been drawn out of alignment by our own muscles. An incident - that people in good musculo-skeletal health take in their stride - may have brought the dysfunction to light.



Pain is a symptom. It's telling you to get your skeleton back into alignment.



Don't mask the symptom, fix the cause.



It’s muscles that pull bones out of alignment. That's the bad news. The good news is that by doing the right exercises there's a high likelihood that you can get your bones back into better alignment. The symptom goes away. You're pain free.



There is a catch. Only you can do this. This is good news. You don't have to spend a fortune going to doctors, radiologists, orthopedic specialists and manipulative therapists. Just start doing the exercises.



The more often you do the exercises and the longer you do them for the quicker you'll get your skeleton back into better alignment and pain free.



For 80% of people with lower back pain, there's an 80% chance that they can get themselves back to 80% of 'good nick' in 80 days.



When it comes to lower back, neck, hip and knee pain, the cause of the pain is rarely at the site of the pain. This means therapists who are only interested in imaging and 'attacking' the site of the pain have missed the point. Just keep doing the exercises.



Manipulative therapy may speed up the rehab process but does not take the place of the exercises you need to do for yourself.



If you’re not getting stronger you’re getting weaker.



If you’re not getting looser you’re getting tighter.



If you've suffered a traumatic incident, manipulative therapy will be helpful in restoring poor function to good. (These days some football clubs have 24 hour rehab - continuous massage, heat, ice, stretching ...) But don't forget a regular, systematic and intensive strength and flexibility training program to go with it.



If, like most people with joint and muscle pain, your own muscles have taken bones out of alignment, then manipulative therapy will take second place to the exercises you need to do to square yourself up.



Trauma excepted, only on the rarest of occasions is joint and muscle pain caused by a lack of rubbing, crunching, heating, vibrating, doping or surgery.



Primary heath care for personally-generated musculo-skeletal dysfunction begins in the gym. Ask your fitness practitioner for a set of exercises that will square your body up. There is a high likelihood your doctor will not know where to look for the underlying cause of your pain, let alone prescribe a suite of exercises to fix the problem.



You can guess what someone earning 50 grand for an afternoon's work is going to recommend to relieve your pain.



The X-ray and MRI are limp and useless tools for diagnosing the cause of your pain. All they tell you is 'what is' not what's cause 'what is'. What you need is a clinical diagnostic postural assessment of your posture and if you've started doing the exercises you'll know which exercises you find difficult to do. You'll know which muscles are tight. That in itself is a clinical diagnostic postural assessment.



Form (good skeletal alignment) follows function (the ability to do the exercises). When the function is good - ie you're able to do the exercises with relative ease, you'll know that form (skeletal alignment) is good. Pain, the symptom of poor skeletal alignment will have gone.

In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and if you're in pain, start doing the flexibility exercises that get your skeleton back into better alignment - and keep doing them.



Regards and best wishes



John Miller

Daily Health Break




Daily Health Break

Miller Health P/l

7 Salvado Place, Stirling

ACT 2611 Australia

61 2 62887703

