Get Up And Walk Around



Get up out of your chair and walk briskly for five minutes; around the building, up and down a couple of flights of stairs ...


What it's going to do is turbo-charge the mechanism of getting oxygen into your metabolic health engine. Some of the oxygen will end up into your head and clear any brain fog.


The walk will stimulate your exhaust system, relax your eyes, take your mind off your work.


While you're walking, smile at people ...


You'll need sensible shoes. You can't walk around safely in high heels. (In fact no-one should be wearing high to work, it's a workhealth and safety issue. Neither you nor your employer can afford the inconvenience and cost of a sprained ankle ... or worse!)


Finish up by bringing a glass of water back to your desk and getting on with your work as though nothing had happened.


At lunch time get outside and go for a walk: 20 minutes is good, 30 minutes is better and 40 minutes is best. Sitting down all day for 40 years without making a concerted effort to move is a killer.


Get a pedometer or Fitbit-type gadget and keep track of your steps. They say 10,000 is the gold standard. 5,000 is more realistic. Coming soon the Aerabyte aerobic fitness tracka.


Now, click on who would you like to walking with:


Mick Jagger


Gary Moore


Regards and best wishes



John Miller

Daily Health Break




Daily Health Break

Miller Health P/l

7 Salvado Place, Stirling

ACT 2611 Australia

61 2 62887703

