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The Seven Habits are:


1. Keep yourself aerobically fit - it's essential for

    good metabolic and mental health.


2  and 3. Keep yourself strong and flexible -

    essential for good musculo-skeletal heath


4. Eat from the top of the hourglass - good food at

    the top and junk down the bottom


5. Manage the stress of your life


6.  Manage the stress of your career


7.  Meditate

The world is littered with the bodies of people wracked by pain caused by a skeleton that's out of alignment.


to relieve back and other joint and muscle pain you have to loosen off tight muscles that have taken your pelvis and the bones above and below it out of alignment.


You need a strength program so the body can do every day tasks without breaking down.

Eat from the top of the hourglass - good food at the top and junk at the bottom.


This is a complete blood pressure lowering program designed to get you back on the path to being in exceptionally good physical and mental condition.


Do that and there’s a good chance your blood pressure will return to normal.

Learn how to get to sleep quickly, sleep like a kitten and wake up refreshed.


An inability to sleep well is just another of the many symptoms of general metabolic dysfunction – along with the usual suspects – diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, snoring, sleep apnoea, cardiac insufficiency, fatness, headaches …


Let’s get one thing straight. Poor sleep is not due to a lack of Stilnox.

The starting point of the ‘How to Stop Smoking’ program is a presumption that

  normal healthy people don’t have a need to

  you know why smoking is bad for you
  you have a fair idea why you started smoking

   and why you’re still smoking
  you are aware of the costs and benefits of being

   smoke free
  you’ll have considered what you’ll have to give

   up if you stop smoking. ie. What will be missing

   in my life? What will I have to face?
  you don’t need shock tactics to convince you to

   change your behaviour
  you have made a personal commitment to giving

   up smoking
  So if you’re fair dinkum about giving up smoking,

   confirm your intention, put your money (not your

   cigarette) where your mouth and come to the

   ‘How to Stop Smoking’ lecture.

To survive in a stressful world there are two things we all need to do:

1. Cool down an over-stimulated sympathetic

    nervous system.

This is the fight and flight system that floods our body with stress hormones -particularly adrenaline and cortisol – that tighten muscles and constrict blood vessels.

What you want to do is to burn up and wash out of your body the stress chemicals that are firing you up.

The best way to do this is with a regular and vigorous aerobic exercise program.

2. Warm up an under-stimulated para-

    sympathetic nervous system.
This is the system that calms us down, a system that few people are taught how to stimulate.

In the ‘go, go’ world it’s not fashionable to teach children and adults how to slow down and relax. Failure to do this is the root of all manner of body system dysfunctions.

There is a compelling reason to take time out to meditate and/or take part in some of the gentle arts like yoga and tai chi. Once again, in a busy world it’s essential for metabolic, musculo-skeletal and psychological wellbeing.

By systematically relaxing your muscles and breathing using stomach breathing you can ‘warm up’ your parasympathetic nervous system. What the relaxation audio file does is drop you down from the wide-awake state into the zone of deep relaxation where muscles relax and blood vessels dilate to the very core of your body. You relax from the inside. Your blood pressure comes down.

Brain waves slow down almost to the point of going to sleep as you experience a feeling of calm spreading throughout your body.

You'll receive a copy of the muscular relaxation audio file.