fitter - healthier - happier


20m run test of aerobic fitness


Aerobic fitness prescription


Back in Alignment musculo-skeletal health program


Universal Fitness Test


Complete Fitness Workout


Hourglass Diet


Managing stress


How to get to sleep quickly


How it all works






Member of the Frontline Primary Health Care Network






Eat From The Top Of The Hourglass.

The Hourglass Diet, a revolutionary new way of eating designed to:

   nourish the cells of your body and not just fill up your stomach

   restore key body systems to good health and keep them that way

   have you living closer to your ideal weight.


The Hourglass Diet model, good food at the top, junk food, intolerant foods and poisons down the bottom.



The Hourglass Diet, provides practical advice for eating wisely in a junk food world. It sets the framework for understanding how all good diets work. If you think the food you’re eating is good, you might have another think coming. The junk food industry and those in its sway have made a compelling case for you to eat more manufactured food and more fast food. In fact it’s a juggernaut, a leviathan, an irresistible force.

Eating wisely in Western society is not all that easy because most of the nutrition technologists in the world are employed by multi-national food companies and fast food outlets, filling the food up with fat, flour and sugar in an effort to make it taste better.

Of course the other nutritional problem is the amount of toxicity we pour into and lather onto our bodies that ends up getting into our ecosystem. Getting it in is the easy part. Getting it out is the hard part and while it’s in there it wreaks all manner of havoc. Masking the symptoms with a junk pharmaceutical won’t fix the cause of the problem.

Foundation for Healthy Eating
The Hourglass Diet is based on the simple law of too much and too little. Ask yourself, what do I need to eat more of; what do I need to eat less of?

Once you know the difference between good food and junk food you’re set for healthy eating. You don’t need a books padded out with recipes. Get them at the super market checkout.

Junk Food Definition
What I’ve got for you is a definition of junk food that will have you instantly recognise it when it comes your way. There’s a lot of it out there, some of it so cleverly disguised by food technologists and their barking dogs on Madison Avenue that you can hardly recognise it.

It’s a vicious cycle. The technologists are being egged on by loyal consumers who’ve been seduced into the high fat, high flour, high sugar way of life and are now addicted to it.

Stomachs are being filled to over flowing with tasty junk.

The Hourglass Diet has been designed to bring some sanity back into healthy eating and explain in simple terms which foods to eat more of and which to eat less of.

It’s designed to help you nourish the cells of your body and maintain an ideal weight.



A Miller Health project

7 Salvado Place, Stirling (Canberra)

ACT 2611 Australia

61 2 6288 7703