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How to get to sleep quickly


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Teach yourself to get to sleep quickly, sleep like a kitten and wake up refreshed

An inability to sleep well is just another of the many symptoms of general metabolic dysfunction – along with the usual suspects – diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, snoring, sleep apnoea, cardiac insufficiency, fatness, headaches …

Let’s get one thing straight. Poor sleep is not due to a lack of Stilnox!

In only the rarest of cases is poor sleep a medical problem. As Andrew Weil (MD) says, ‘Don’t go to doctors for things doctors can’t cure.

Here are Six steps to preparing yourself for a good night’s sleep?

1. Work Out How Much Sleep You Really Need?
In the first instance you need to decide how many hours sleep you reckon is about right for you. A lot of people are spending too long in bed. They don’t need as much sleep as they’ve been led to believe they need. If you fall into this category and you’re spending too much time awake tossing and turning, go to bed later or get up earlier.

2. Get Yourself In Exceptionally Good Shape
It’s in the nature of the fit and healthy human being to get to sleep quickly, sleep like a log and wake up refreshed.

You need a regular and systematic vigorous aerobic fitness program.

Nathan Pritikin said that if you don’t have time for exercise take an hour off your sleep. You’ll need less sleep and you’ll sleep better.

3. Deal With Anxiety

The first casualty of anxiety is sleep. Find out what’s causing your anxiety and deal with it.

Go and see a good counsellor who can dig around and help you find out what’s bothering you give you a signpost that encourages you to go in the direction of dealing with your anxiety.

The anxiety could come from your life, your family situation, your work … Some of it might come from stuff that was bedded down years ago, it’s so deep in your subconscious you need a crow bar to lever it out.

Find out what it is and fix it. Then you’ll sleep like a kitten.

Gurdjieff said that one of the best things you can do when you’re stressed is to spend the day gardening. Others have said ‘Clean up’ your environment – your bedroom, your house, your garden … It will clear your mind.

4. Boot Home Some Winners
Boot home more winners, kick more goals. Of course if you don’t have any goals you’re going to have to put up with what ever comes your way. For a lot of people it’s a big tsunami. When that hits you can kiss a good night’s sleep goodbye.

5. Wake Up To Yourself
Imagine Albert Einstein tossing and turning trying to go back to sleep when he had the theory of relativity on his mind. It’s absurd. He’d get up and get on with it. He’d rejoice in the fact that he’d been woken up.

In fact that’s exactly what he did.

6. Use Inner Mental Training To Teach Yourself How To Go To Sleep

Most children are told to go to bed, very few are taught how to go to sleep.

You’re awake and the monkeys are chattering. Switch off the monkeys chattering inside your head and you’ll go to sleep quickly.

In the 'How to get to Sleep Quickly' ebook you'll be taught an inner mental training routine which will help you to go to sleep quickly.





A Miller Health project

7 Salvado Place, Stirling (Canberra)

ACT 2611 Australia

61 2 6288 7703